If you would like Magical Spelling as a resource in your school we can offer the following.
Small group work for children needing help: 3 half days
- Training for staff teams as twilights and inset days
- A whole school approach like the one in this video in which we train staff and pupils to Magical Spelling Tutor standard so that they can cascade the process across the school. 6 half days minimum
We prefer a sustainable approach that leaves schools independent of us. We also want to encourage schools to research the impact of Magical Spelling as a way of improving literacy and of promoting Growth Mindset in staff and pupils. We can help you to set up the conditions for this research.
Our daily rate is around £600 for a tutor and an assistant, £400 for a half day and £200 for a twilight session. If there is significant travel involved then we ask schools to book us for a half day at least, combining small group work and a staff twilight for example.
Our trainers cover most of the UK and we’re happy to talk about bidding for funding together and in partnerships between schools and across Teaching School Alliances.
Contact: magicalspellinglimited@gmail.com to discuss your needs.