
Here’s what people are saying about Magical Spelling:

Magical Spelling is a good way to learn anything, new exciting words, times tables even what day you go swimming. I am looking forward to sharing this with my school friends.

– Jane W,
8 years

It was an amazing moment watching my son grasp spelling a difficult word for the first time – there was a real “got it” moment and now there’s no looking back! I couldn’t believe how quickly he picked up the technique, and how keen he is to use the Magical Spelling method to learn more words.

– Fiona Evans
Mum to Howie, 7 years

Lovely text arrived from one of our Magical Spelling Trainee Tutors:
Just wanted to let you know that Magical Spelling at my school is going very well. The new year 7’s were given a 50 word spelling test in September. When re-tested, one dyslexic child had gone up six months, four had gone up twelve months and one had gone up eighteen months. The best news is that they love the strategy. They get so much confidence from it, it’s brilliant to see them enjoying it.

– A Magical Spelling Trainee Tutor

A fabulous course – very uplifting helped me recognise that feelings are very important in the way we learn – moving the brain to a receptive learning area. Thanks for this, so much, can’t wait to do more.

– Karen Pollard Rylance
Hopwood Hall College, Co-ordinator for ALS

An interesting tool to help you understand how you learn. Once you understand the concept it becomes very easy to apply into every day learning.

– Abdul Haleam
Community Development Worker

It’s made me realise the importance of the individual and how empowering getting the feeling can be. Keen to take it back to children and target spelling along with self esteem.

– Estel Selway
Primary School Teacher/SENCO